Wednesday, October 12, 2016

One Day

“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” 
― Jack Kerouac

If you’ve managed to stumble your way to my blog, you’ve probably noticed that it's not like most. You’re not going to find tutorials on how to style the perfect ponytail or how to apply the cattiest of winged liner. You’re not going to find tried and true recipes. I’ve tried that. That was the original intention of this blog. It doesn’t work for me.

I tried to start a blog that was dedicated to amazing cupcakes. To start a food blog, you need people who are willing to test your recipes. And because neither my friends, my husband, nor I wish to weigh 500 pounds, I couldn’t find enough taste testers. Then, one summer I decided I would start a blog dedicated to book reviews. I set the goal of one book per week. Easy enough for a teacher on summer break, right? Yep. For two months it worked. Then the realities of being a high school English teacher came rushing back. It truly is one of the great cruelties of the world. I chose to teach English because I love books and I wanted to share this love, but I spent more time reading essays than books.

Now, it is a place for me to explore. A place for me to find an entertaining way to answer the question “what would happen if…?” It may read like a journal for a while. It may end up being complete rubbish. But maybe, just maybe, it might be good. Maybe I’ll find the answer I’m looking for. Until then, I will put words on paper and see where it goes. Some entries will be initial thoughts on an idea. Some a rough draft. And if you’re lucky, there may come a day when I post a polished story. Until then, coherent words on a page is all it will be.

My goal is to write 400 words a day, but I am a mom who is trying to balance family and work. There are days that I will be lucky just to brush my teeth. These days will not be considered a failure. They are life. And, after all, tomorrow is another day.

Today, my teeth are brushed, I’m wearing a clean shirt, and I managed to spend some time with my husband. The floors aren’t vacuumed, and there are dishes in the sink. Little man is sleeping in his crib, and I still have time to read. Today was a good day.